Saturday, November 1, 2008

How To Discipline Yourself To Lose Weight

Let's face it. You are not going to lose weight unless you have self-discipline.Self-discipline is the ability to control your thinking, your actions, and ultimately the results that you are looking for in a particular task.In order to apply self-discipline to losing weight, you need to first ask yourself, "why do I want to lose weight?". After you answer that question, that answer must be present in your thoughts on a daily basis. The answer could be, to look better, to feel better, to be in better health, to live longer, to be attractive, to get a specific job, to join a sports team, etc.Afterwards, you have to train yourself to eat and drink what is right. When you feel like having a soft drink, drink water, when you feel like have a piece of cake, eat a piece of fruit. This is not going to happen overnight, but the more you practice telling yourself NO, and don't give in to things that are not good for you, the more it will become second nature.To motivate yourself to exercise, you just got to do it. If you go one straight week consistently working out, you are telling your mind not to quit since you achieved this successful task of going a whole week straight exercising. Once you keep on doing it, it will become like second nature to you. Eventually, you will actually start to get upset if there is something threatening to prevent you from working out!So, now you know that YOU control you, not those cheeseburgers, not that ice cream, and on and on. Control your mind, and your body will thank you.
By Avy Barnes


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