Friday, October 31, 2008

A Look at the Female Style of Domination

A lot has been written on domination from a male dominant's perspective, but the female dominant is a reality that many seem to dismiss in the lifestyle. Maybe it is because a lot of the female dominants pander to the needs of men who tell them exactly what they should be doing to them and act as service dominants or maybe it is because it is so difficult for some men to accept that a woman can submit to one man and dominate ten other effectively. I referred to these two types of fem dominants in an article about the types of fem domes I have seen at munches or lifestyle gatherings. I even jokingly called the second type of female dominant a submissive in hiding in jest. The link to this article,shouldyoubeinterestedinreadingit,isasfollows: female dominant is a special type of woman that knows her power lies in controlling other men and women and to some extent society approves more of this kind of thing as domination the other way around is mostly seen as abuse because of women's rights movements insistence that women should be equal to men etc. Domination for her is a very special gift she gives to her submissives. She is strong and opinionated and expects even more perfection in detail than her male counterpart. She will give more attention to the detail of a scene herself and will pay attention to the smallest movements with more vigil than her male counterpart. The female dominant is not out to prove her superiority in a male world and is not trying to show men that she is better than they are. She is doing this because she is hard wired to do so. She has no other choice but to see to it that the submissives of this world get the treatment they so desperately need.

Her compassion for their needs is also a very big factor in her dominance. She touches a submissive on more than one level instinctively. Women communicate easily on an emotional level and touch each other more than men generally do and this enriches the experience for her submissive. The female dominant will sometimes look like she is servicing her submissives because she has such an urge to care for them and look after them. She is instinctively a caretaker. For some it is not satisfy their own sexual needs, as this never comes into play in a large group of female dominants. The joy is in experiencing the power her touch and presence has. The female dominant in my experience will focus on training for herself as well as for her submissives in order to make the experience safe and rewarding for both. You will find a large percentage of female dominants at classes for flogging or some other technique and they will not think twice about asking questions either. They are driven by perfection and safety. As I have already mentioned, the female dominant believes in perfection in detail. This is why they are sometimes much harder to please than a man. They see the little errors and will discipline a submissive if everything is not done exactly in the way they suggested it should. Male dominants have in my experience missed the very tiny details of service, but this is by no means something I am prepared to ascribe to all of them. The female dominant is often times very good at humiliation play. This is perhaps because the male submissive so often looks for exactly that when he is being dominated. Women know exactly how to humiliate a man and they do it so subtly sometimes that it is often not even visible to others around them. It is an art and one which women have had practice at for a very long time. Female dominants are good at manipulating their submissives into total helplessness and humility. The female dominant is a very special beast. They are getting more and more popular amongst female submissives too because of their gentle approach to domination and their not always being sexually motivated. I felt it was important to write an article showing this distinction between them and men as they rarely get the spotlight in the lifestyle. By Bea Amor



I thought your article was well written and very insightful.

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